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Home insurance assumptions

Please read the assumptions we have made about you and your property before continuing. If any of the assumptions are incorrect you'll need to call us to continue with your quote.

If you decide to buy this policy, these details will form the basis of the insurance contract between us. Incorrect information could invalidate all or part of the policy.

Insurance cover is subject to our standard policy wording.

Your home

  • Is your main residence and is permanently occupied solely by you and your family.
  • Is maintained in a good state of repair.
  • Is roofed with slate, tile, concrete, metal or asphalt.
  • Is not left unoccupied for more than 60 days in a row.
  • Is self contained with its own front door.
  • To your knowledge your home (including your land) has not been damaged by flood during the last 10 years.
  • Your home (including your land) is not currently flooded or in danger of flooding.
  • Has not been affected by subsidence or structural movement and is not in an area subject to subsidence.
  • Is not used for business purposes other than paperwork, telephone calls, child minding and computer work.

Items in the home

  • No one valuable item should be worth more than £2000 unless listed separately on the policy.
    (Please note 'valuable items' include jewellery, watches, furs, items or sets or collections of gold, silver or other precious metals, works of art, sets of stamps, coins or medals).

You and any adult living with you

  • Have not had any insurance policy cancelled or declared void by an insurer for fraud or misrepresentation in the last 5 years
  • Have never had special terms imposed for home insurance.
  • Have never been convicted of any criminal offence (other than motoring convictions) or have any prosecutions pending.