Watch your personalised video to see what you're covered for
Frequently asked questions
You'll receive your renewal policy documents by post, 21 days before your current cover ends. Once you're happy with the cover outlined, you can easily renew your insurance online or over the phone on 0345 603 3560.
If you need to make any changes to your policy, our customer service team can help you and process your renewal.
You will need to contact Churchill's customer service team via webchat or on 0345 603 3560
If you have any questions about your renewal price or details within your renewal documents, our customer service team is here to help you. Call 0345 603 3560
You'll receive your renewal policy documents (by post) 21 days before your current cover ends. If you're set up on automatic renewal and you’re happy with the cover outlined, you won't need to do anything. We'll automatically renew your policy and send you the new documents.
If you’re unsure whether you're set up for automatic renewal, you can check on your renewal documents. The documents will say: “Your insurance will be renewed automatically on DD/MM/YY.”
Download home insurance policy documents
Download your policy documents
Renew your policy
Call our team to renew on
Alternatively, you can Renew online
Your renewal price will be confirmed in the post.
Opening hours
- Mon - Fri 8am - 9pm
- Saturdays 9am - 5pm
- Sundays 9am - 4pm
- Bank holidays 9am - 5pm