Churchill magazine

Keep the kids happy and prepare for long journeys

Updated on: 1 July 2024

keeping kids entertained

Are we there yet?

So, you’re about to set off on a family road trip...

Let that daunting prospect of a potential riot in the back be a thing of the past.

These tips should help create a happier experience when it comes to taking kids on a long car journey.

1. Check your car

Breaking down with kids in the car isn’t much fun. Give your car the once over before setting off. Check your oil levels and tyres to make sure everything’s in good order. At least then you can start the journey with a little peace of mind.

2. Plan your route

Let’s go on the assumption that you won’t want to extend the journey any more than necessary. Avoid getting lost by carefully planning your route and regularly checking the traffic news. Green Flag’s free route planner is a good place to start.

3. Add stops into your journey

Planning regular stops into your route offers plenty of toilet break opportunities and a chance to stretch those legs. Stopping often should also prevent anyone from getting restless on the journey and can help avoid accidents (of all kinds).

4. Bring entertainment

The trick is to make sure there’s always something for the kids to do. This doesn’t just mean bringing iPads, electronic games and audiobooks (although these can help), but inventing imaginative games that you can all play together on the journey. Which leads us to...

5. Play games

In-car entertainment doesn't have to involve technology. Here are some ideas for games to play during a journey that don't involve staring a screen.

I spy

It's an obvious one to begin with, but no list like this is complete without it.

“I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘S’” and everyone takes turns to guess: Skoda, sky, seatbelt, sickbag…

Car counting 

Simple, but engages the minds of all ages. Pick a colour, make or model of car, and the winner is the first to spot 10 of them (or fewer if you choose something obscure like a green Lamborghini Countach).

Make a word

Here's a game that's sure to bring some laughter to your journey. Everyone tries to make a word from the letters on the numberplate of the car in front. Depending on how old your kids are, you can make it trickier by asking for the letters to be in the correct order, too.

The best part? Bonus points for words that make people laugh, adding an extra element of fun to the game.

Car bingo

This one takes a little prep, but not too much (just pen and paper). Draw a grid, and in each square write something that can be spotted through the window: lorry, yellow car, wind turbine, petrol station… you get the idea.

The beauty of this game is that you can make the grid as big or small as you like, and the objects as easy or hard as the kids can cope with.

6. Keep them fed and watered

Don’t risk the kids getting hangry. When you stop be sure to offer snacks and drinks, and don't forget a trip to the toilet before returning to the car.

7. Take essentials

Bring blankets and layers for when it’s cold, or a handheld fan to cool down if it’s hot. And simple things like wet wipes or tissues could make the difference between a small spill and a very uncomfortable journey.

8. Consider travelling at night

If the kids are comfortable and can sleep, the journey will go much quicker for them at night (and allows less time for boredom). If you need to travel during the day, aim for a good night sleep beforehand so that everyone can start in a positive mood.

9. Play mellow music

There’s nothing wrong with a good old-fashioned family singalong, but some slower and softer tunes should come in handy for when it’s time to calm down.

These are just a few road trip ideas to help you get started. The more you travel with your kids, the more you can tailor it towards them. Just remember to drive safely and be sure you’re fully covered with car insurance for those times when things don’t go to plan. 

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