Churchill magazine

Tips when driving in snow and ice

Updated on: 31 October 2024

A road covered in snow and ice

As winter approaches and temperatures drop, the risk of collisions on UK roads rises conserably. According to Government data, there was an 8% increase in deaths caused by weather-related incidents in 2023, compared with 2022. 

Alongside the 117 deaths that occured in 2023, there were almost 8,000 (7,963) collisions due to bad weather. Here's the most common types of weather-related incidents:

Cause Number of collisions Number of fatalities
Slippery road (due to weather) 4,458 59
Dazzling sun 1,770 25
Rain, sleet, snow or fog 1,307 21
Not displaying lights at night or in poor visibility. 241 10
Spray from other vehicles 100 -
Visor or windscreen dirty, scratched or frosted 87 2

Source: Churchill Motor Insurance 2024

Nicholas Mantel, Head of Churchill Motor, said:

“The sharp increase in weather related incidents, with one motorist death every three days is deeply concerning. As winter approaches, it’s more important than ever for drivers to take extra precautions.

"Simple steps like checking your tyre tread, ensuring your headlights and tailgates are working properly, slowing down in icy or wet conditions, and maintaining a safe following distance can make all the difference. We urge motorists to stay vigilant and prioritise safety on the roads this winter.”

Beat the elements and stay safe

By following our handy tips below, you can prepare both yourself and your vehicle for the most challenging of winter driving. 

Prepare for your journey

Before you set off, clear any ice and snow that has formed on your car. Don’t just make a little porthole on the driver’s side of the windscreen! Give yourself enough time to remove all the ice and snow from your car. Ideally, you should use an ice-scraper and a de-icer.

To reduce the condensation on cold windows, use the air-conditioning (if you have it) instead of heated air to demist your windows more quickly and effectively.

Don't forget your winter driving survival kit

For longer journeys, always have with you:

  • Ice-scraper

  • De-icer for windows

  • Mobile phone

  • Flask of hot drink or soup

  • Chocolate or other high-energy snacks

  • Blankets and warm clothing

Save some room in the boot for emergency essentials such as:

  • Duvet

  • Warning triangle

  • Torch

  • Jump leads

  • Towrope

  • fFrst-aid kit

  • Spade (if heavy snow is expected)

Protect yourself from the winter sun's glare

The glare from low winter sun is much worse on dirty windscreens, so make sure you keep all your windows clean and smear-free in winter. Wearing a suitable pair of anti-glare sunglasses when you're driving can help too.

Stay safe throughout your journey

Stopping distances can be 10 times longer in ice and snow, which means that at 50mph it will take you 530 metres – or 130 car lengths – to come to a halt. So watch your speed and only drive as fast as the conditions allow.

Allow more time for your journey

To minimise your risk of an accident – and to keep your car insurance premium down – plan in more time to get where you're going, and accept that you may arrive at your destination later than planned. Drive slowly, manoeuvre gently, decelerate more and brake less.

Minimise your risk of skidding

Keep to the main roads after snowfall as they're more likely to have been gritted. Try to limit gear changes by driving slowly in the highest gear possible, without straining your engine. If you have an automatic, take it out of Drive and go into 2. This will limit gear changes and make you less reliant on the brakes.

Accelerating heavily or braking abruptly in snowy or icy conditions can cause skidding. If your wheels lock and you go into a skid, ease off the accelerator or take your foot off the brake pedal and gently steer into the direction of the skid until your tyres grip the road again. Don't overcorrect as you'll end up sliding the other way.

Take extra care when driving at night

The drop in visibility at night time means that you have to be even more cautious after dusk. As well as all the usual hazards of winter driving, it's harder to judge speed and distance and you're probably less alert. Slow right down, and use your fog lamps if visibility drops below 100 metres. If you wear glasses, an anti-glare coating will help reduce headlight glare.

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